February 13, 2007






Unit 180 Board of Directors Meeting




The regular meeting of the board of directors of unit 180 was convened at 3:45pm by President, Joyce Dozier.

Members present:

Walter Lewis, Vice President

Lynne Logan, Treasurer

Frank Battaile

Jerry Grissom

Ed Guardanapo

Jane Hardin

Neva Lewis

Dick Weaver

Rick Logan

Members absent:

Don Hopes

Anne Mahafee


The minutes of the January meeting were read by the secretary. A correction was made by Walter Lewis. The rent for "The Pelican Landing" is $1500 not $2500 reported. The deposit check for $200 was sent on Wednesday January 17,2007.


Motion made by Lynne Logan to accept minute, second by Ed Guardanapo and motion carried.

Treasurer's report was read by Lynne Logan and copies distributed. Motion to accept Treasurer's report made by Walter Lewis, second by Neva Lewis and motion carried.


Discussion of old business:

Plans for bridge building will be ready for bids and permits at a cost of $7500. Projected time frame is 45 days.

Jerry Grissom, Ed Guardanapo, and Lynne Logan reported on their meeting with the draftsmen




A number of donations have been made. Tables will be delivered by Lamar Jordan. He also offered to provide and man the coffee pots.

Menu was discussed for the tournament, pizza on Friday, subways on Saturday, and ham and turkey sandwiches on Sunday. Ed Guardanapo offered to make chili. Pat Bright volunteered to be caddie. Lynne Logan and Dick Weaver will direct.


Discussion of new business:


Plan celebration event for Life Masters and Mini-McKinney/Ace of Clubs awards discussed. Decided Saturday was the best day of the week and to be done after the tournament. It was decided to be on March 31st. Party to start at 12:00pm and the game to follow at 1:00pm. Walter Lewis requested a list of all the new life masters so no one would be missed. Lynne Logan will check with ACBL. Jane Hardin agreed to call people on what they would prefer for a prize.

It was suggested that people bring "finger" foods.


Regional tournament for 2008:


Lynne Logan contracted people at the Convention center. Convention people will know if our time is available by March 1st, if that time is not available we might consider October.


Director's duties/fees


Jerry Grissom moved directors fees be raised to $50 a game, seconded by Frank Battaile. Discussion followed.

Duties of the director were discussed: Lynne suggested an amendment on fees if the director plays. Director plays if someone comes to play and has no partner but should not schedule his own partner. Further discussion followed as there is only one director and does not have a chance to play otherwise. If there were more directors, they could have the time off to play. The motion was amended as follows: $30 for 6 or less tables, $40 for 6 ½ - 9 ½, and $50 for 10+ tables. Motion carried.


Jerry Grissom discussed the use of CD's. She suggested some one other then Lynne Logan shop around for the best interest rate, Jerry suggested Don Hopes. Lynne suggested that we need to be able to withdraw at any time without penalty.

Motion made by Ed Guardanapo to table discussion to next meeting, second by Jane Hardin and carried.

Meeting adjourned at 5:00pm.


Respectfully submitted,


